Friday, August 22, 2014

New Membership Cards and Business Cards!

Have you ever been out and about and ran into a fellow babywearer in the wild and didn't know exactly how to approach them but you were DYING to?  Well our new business cards make it super easy! 

The fun "Hey, Babywearer!" greeting does the talking for you by being built right in and includes all of our BWI of Cleveland hot spots.  Now it is easier then ever to invite new faces to our awesome group!  Tell them how fun out meetings are; not only do the Mommies and caregivers get awesome Grown-up time, but it is a playdate for all of our Littles!  Doesn't get much better then that in my opinion!  Be sure to grab a stack at your next meeting and start handing these babies out!

If you have attended any of our August meetings you may already be familiar with a new addition to being a Paid member of BWI of Cleveland- your very own Membership Card!  In the beginning when we were a small group just starting out, it was super easy to know everyone by name and face that was attending all of our meetings and events.  But with our huge growth over the last year, both in Leadership and Members (we have over 100 paying members and climbing!!) we discovered that Membership Cards were the way to go! 

These cards can be picked up at any of our meetings, so please see a VBE to get yours!  We will even personalize it for you ;)  These cards will need to be presented any time you wish to check out a carrier from our Lending Library and also for any Member's Only events and discounts that you wish to take advantage of.  So once you have yours, stick it in your wallet so you know where it is at all times. 
We are super excited about the amazing growth our chapter has experienced and look forward to sharing all the amazing changes and opportunities that will available to you all in the very near future.  So please stay tuned! 
If you are not currently a paid member to BWI of Cleveland and want to join to take advantage of our Lending Library and other benefits or you just wish hear more about it, please ask!  Us VBE's can talk about our group all day long!