
Babywearing of Northeast Ohio meets in a variety of locations across the Greater Cleveland area. We also encourage informal play dates and group outings as well. This is a very active group with weekly discussion topics and lots of positive energy!

All Monthly Instructional Meeting dates and times are subject to change due to availability of the meeting rooms and staffing. Please stay up to date with the most current times and locations on our Facebook Page!

Monthly Instructional Meetings

Medina: 1st Saturday of the month at 3:30pm
Medina General Hospital 1000 E. Washington Street, Medina OH 44256

Twinsburg: 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm
Twinsburg Public Library10050 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, OH 44087

Elyria: 3rd Saturday of the month at 11:00am 
Elyria Public Library West River Branch
1194 W River Rd N, Elyria, OH 44035

North Royalton: 3rd Friday of the month at 10:00am
North Royalton Branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library
5071 Wallings Road, North Royalton, OH 44133

Wickliffe: 4th Saturday of the month at 10:00 am
Vineyard Community Church of Wickliffe 
1928 E 300th St, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092

*updated May 2018*

**We strongly encourage that you make other arrangements for older siblings so that you can give your full attention to learning the skills being presented. If you must bring older children, please be sure they have quiet activities to do while you are participating.**

Food Policy

Hey Babywearers! For the safety of littles, please help us to ensure that meetings are nut free. We will also begin offering wipes at meeting check in to wipe down hands and faces of all who have eaten recently. Additionally, caregivers can request that a meeting be food free up to 48 hours prior to the meeting.

We will announce on the event pages if a meeting is going to be food free and will post reminders at the door. At food free meetings, feel free to step out and give your child a snack and then return after washing hands. At food free meetings, water in closed containers and formula or breastmilk in bottles is always acceptable, but please be mindful of keeping bottles up high or away in a diaper bag when not in use.

As a reminder to all parents, we meet in public spaces and our meeting rooms may have had food from prior events even during food free meetings. Additionally due to our check out and check in procedures, we cannot wash all carriers between checkouts. If you or your child has severe contact allergies, please alert an educator and we can give you washing instructions for you to use at home prior to using the carrier. When carriers are cleaned, we use Seventh Generation Free and Clear. Hand washing carriers in blue Dawn is almost always a good alternative as well.

Sick Policy

For the safety and consideration of others and their children, PLEASE follow these guidelines. If we see a child/caregiver at a meeting who is visibly sick, they may be asked by a leader to leave (lovingly, but firmly):

  1. Please do not come to a meeting if you or your child have experienced a fever, diarrhea or vomiting within the last 48 hours. 
  2. Please do not come to a meeting if you or your child are coughing or sneezing frequently (unless you are sure it's allergies/asthma, not a respiratory infection/cold). If you have allergies, please notify the lead VBE when you arrive so we are aware. 
  3. Runny noses are ok as long as there is no sign of infection. 

If you need to make arrangements to return a carrier to a meeting and have to miss due to illness, please contact and we can make arrangements to return the carrier and waive late fees.