Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Talk about a Stash Shot!

If you attended any of the later November Instructional Meetings you got to experience a pretty awesome thing- the contents of our entire Lending Library!! Or at least close to it depending on which meeting you attended.  Since we had no check outs this months to accommodate our full inventory overhaul, we all got to see everything all at once.  This has never happened before!  It was so exciting seeing just how much our Library has exploded the past year and a half!  These pictures were taken at our North Royalton Meeting, so more carriers still needed to be returned at the two meetings that followed this one!  Holy cow talk about and incredible stash!!! 166 carriers to be exact!

ring slings, stretchies and pouches

Soft Structured Carriers and Mei Tai's

wraps, wraps and more wraps!
Once all of the 166 carriers were returned, we took this opportunity to split the library into three regional libraries that will always attend those specific Instructional Meetings.  It is so exciting that we actually have the resources to do this. It means that our chapter has grown in leaps and bounds and doesn't look like it is slowing down any time soon! 
December marks the reopening of our Lending program and the Grand Opening of our Regional Libraries.  Be sure to attend a meeting this month to see what pretties are at your favorite location!  To view LIVE stats on every carrier (which library they live in, full availability and when they are due back) please check the Lending Library tab at the top of the page. 
If you have any further questions about our big changes please email our Librarian Katie Abell at librarian@bwiofcleveland.org