Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father’s Day everyone! We here at BWI of Cleveland wanted to do something fun to celebrate with all of our wonderful dads so we’re introducing a very special blog post! Around Father’s Day we often see a lot of groups posting “in honor of father’s” or speaking about father’s. We decided to speak to the dad’s themselves! An exciting interview with some of our babywearing dudes! We asked a variety of questions to get a better look into the intriguing life of a babywearing dad. So first, here are our fathers:

Mike T- Mike Tankersley aka Tank from Madison, Ohio has five children Michael Jr (7), Katy (5), Kelcy (3), Jeffrey (3) and Kayla  (8 months).

Jon K- My name is Jonathan Knight (I go by Jon most of the time). I grew up outside of Pittsburgh, PA but now live in Thompson, OH. I currently have four children - Hunter (8), Kendall (6), our twins Jon David and Sonia Faith (2). We also have our second set of boy/girl twins due in early August. 

Spenser M-F- I'm Spenser Miller-Fellows, out of Cleveland, Ohio. I wear my son Oliver, who is 13 months old.

Jessie M- Jessie, daddy to Jamie(almost 5) & Jackson (3)

Bob R- I am Bob Russell, king slayer and ruler of the northern herds. I wear my 15 month old son who is the spawn of the ice banshees. He was given his name thru the sacred fire rituals which emboldened him with the power of smoldering cuteness. He goes by the name of Clayton.

Aaron M- Aaron Mlakar from Brunswick, Ohio. Father to four kids from 16 years down to 16 months (Killian).

On to the questions!

#1. When did you start babywearing and why?

Mike T- 7 years ago, because it’s easier than lugging a stroller around.

Jon K- With our 2nd child (Kendall our oldest girl) and my wife wanted to.

Spenser M-F- I started babywearing pretty soon after Ollie was born. We had been having trouble 
getting him to sleep, and I had a number of things to do around the house. I finally gave up and put him in so that I could do something in the kitchen. It worked great, I had my hands and could start cleaning up.

Jessie M- I started babywearing when Jamie was about 6 months old. I wanted to be able to hold and snuggle her, and babywearing gave me a way to do this and be hands free to do other things as well.

Bob R- We discovered at a young age that the draconian harness devices known as strollers did not please the temperament of the baby known as Clayton.

Aaron M- Started in March of 2014, and it was an easier way to carry your baby.
#2. Why do you babywear now?

Mike T- My kids love it and it makes trips easier.

Jon K- It is extremely convenient and is much less stress on you or the baby

Spenser M-F- I love being close to my son while still able to devote my attentions elsewhere. It makes me feel connected and like he is learning the actions that I do.

Jessie M- Now, I typically only wear when one of the kids is in need of a nap or just wants some daddy snuggles in a carrier.

Bob R- So my spawn can rightfully see the vastness of his empire laid out before him. And it’s good for cuddles...

Aaron M- It’s an easier way to carry the baby and I can actually multitask more.

#3. What is your current favorite carrier?

Mike T- Can’t remember the name (then the following conversation with his wife…)
Wife: “They want to know which carrier you like best.”
Mike: “It’s the one I always use.”
Wife: “with flamingos?”
Mike: “The only one I ever use?  I only use one. I don’t know what it’s called…”  (flamingos tula) Wife: “That one right?”
Mike: “I don’t know, like I said I only ever use one kind.  You are the one that knows what they are called.”
Wife: “Yes you only use buckles. But they want to which brand you like best.”  
Mike: “I have no idea.”
Wife  “Well do you like that flamingos best or one of our other buckles you've used in the past?” Mike: “They are all the same to me!”

Jon K- My Kinderpack. Before that it was my Boba

Spenser M-F- Beco Soleil. My wife got me a custom hood with bat wings for it.

Jessie M- My current favorite carrier is superheroes inspired, standard size KinderPack.

Bob R- I only wrap with wovens made from the finest glistening unicorn hair found at the summit of 
Old Smokey All Covered With Cheese. (note from wife… It’s a Hoppendiz Montreal size seven…)

Aaron M- Grey zigzag tula

#4. What’s your favorite babywearing memory?

Mike T- Wearing the kids around the zoo.

Jon K- Carrying one of our twins while on vacation in Florida

Spenser M-F- Dancing with my wife with my son on my back.

Jessie M- Jamie was about 6 months old and she could not settle down the first time she stayed home alone with me. I had to figure out a way to help her to be happy, and I had seen my wife use this carrier(Japanese mei-tai) we had at the house. I figured it out and she ended up being a happy baby again.

Bob R- When Clayton felt so secure and loved while I vanquished Lord Snaggletooth in the bowels of the Target during Black Friday 2014.

Aaron M- Cutting grass while babywearing.

#5. Did you always plan on babywearing?

Mike T- Nope! Never knew it was a thing until my wife showed me!

Jon K- I had never put any thought into it before my wife brought it up to me.

Spenser M-F- I was never against it, just figured if I liked it I would.

Jessie M- No, I had never heard of babywearing until Jamie is born. When my wife first mentioned it, I was like, you want to do what? But then I figured out that I could hold my baby and have my hands free to do things. It was awesome.

Bob R- Have you seen my majestic side burns? Of course I always planned on wearing a baby.

Aaron M- Yes

#6. Have you gotten any funny comments while babywearing?

Mike T- Nope.

Jon K- "Oh there is a baby in there!! I thought it was just a back pack!!"

Spenser M-F- Lots of "Oh, doesn't he look cozy." Typically most people are more interested in cooing over the baby than me.

Jessie M- I have seen people whispering to themselves, but I don't remember hearing any of the comments.  I can only imagine what they could have been saying at those times.

Bob R- Any questionable glances or jaded looks were deflected by the mighty glow from the tigerseye talisman Clayton wears as a trophy for his defeat of the flatulence-powered hydra. (It’s all been positive stuff!)

Aaron M- No

#7. What would your ultimate babywearing adventure be like?

Mike T- Hiking the Smokey Mountains wearing my kids.

Jon K- Any where I go with my family IS a adventure. (We will have 6 kids in August including TWO sets of twins)

Spenser M-F- On Safari in southern Kenya or on a walkabout in the Australian outback.

Jessie M- My babywearing adventure would be a tour through Europe or Australia while wearing one of my kids on my back.

Bob R- As Clayton and I rise from the ashes in our FCC (forward cross carry) we continue our crusade; we seek to travel beyond the borders of our empire where only darkness touches. We must ride on the wings of a mighty pegasus to the land of frightening smiles and scary glass eyed minions known as Disneyland.

Aaron M- On the beach.

#8. Any advice for other fellow dads who are interested in babywearing?

Mike T- It is easier than it looks and the chicks dig it.

Jon K- Don't give up if you don't like the first carrier you try. I've tried many carriers but have only liked a few.

Spenser M-F- Just go for it, but seek advice from an educator first. Its comfortable, and frees up your hands for whatever you want to accomplish in a day.

Jessie M- My advice to other dads would be A) find a carrier that works for you and your child/ren. B) wear them as much as you can/want. Nothing beats being able to have your baby/kid snuggled, close to you and being hands free to do other things.

Bob R- Every man has two responsibilities in this world. #1. To grill and eat as many delicious meat products as possible and #2. To wear their child proudly.

What an informative, and entertaining look into the everyday life of a babywearing daddy! We just want to thank those fathers that took a bit of time to share their thoughts and stories with us and thank all of those other awesome babywearing fathers and grandfathers who know how special it is to carry those children close to them! If you'd like to share in the Father's day fun comment below or share a pic on instagram! Don't forget to tag #bwicleveland