Thursday, January 21, 2016

Learn Along with BWI of CLE

Coming up in January 2016!

In addition to "Try It Tuesday", BWI of Cleveland is going to kick off the New Year by adding two new weekly learning events to the Facebook group.

Did you ever want to learn all about woven wraps or the different types of soft structured carriers (SSC's)? If so, be sure to check out the Facebook group starting Sunday, January 24, 2016 for "Sunday Specifics". Every Sunday we will detail a different carrier! In addition to woven wraps and SSC's we will look at ring slings, Mei Tai's, and pouch slings to name a few and included in these posts will be pictures of carriers available through our Lending Library!. We will also detail specific SSC's (Lenny Lamb, Tula, etc.), as well as specific Mei Tai's (Baby Hawk, BB Tai, etc.) in upcoming weeks to help you decide what carrier might work the best and which one to look for in the Lending Library!

The second weekly event that will be on the Facebook group starting Wednesday, January 27, 2016 is "Woven Wednesdays". Each week will feature a different carry to learn using a woven wrap (with great introductory carries in the beginning!!).  Suggested wrap lengths will be given as well as links to tutorials to help facilitate learning! We hope that you will share photos with us every week!

BWI of Cleveland looks forward to the New Year and the start of these new events! Please feel free to interact and most importantly...HAVE FUN!!

Written by Nichole Hoven
Nichole joined our volunteer team this past November. She is mom to Lucas (born 06.2015), wife to Ian, and full time scientist at a University in Cleveland. She became interested in Babywearing while pregnant with her son. She started out with a Boba stretch wrap, and an Ergo SSC. Not being 100% sure on how to use the Ergo with a newborn led her to an internet search for a local Babywearing group. She found the Cleveland chapter and as they say, “the rest is history”. Nichole's current favorite way to carry her son is using a woven wrap. She will volunteering at the Elyria meeting and is excited to help where needed as her schedule permits!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Winter Wearing Deal!

A few days ago I started seeing posts about a Babywearing hoodie at Target. Wait. What? Target makes Babywearing hoodies?

Apparently it is meant to be stylish (who doesn't love a nice draft on their back?!) And found in the Junior's Department. Sorry kids! These hoodies are about to be made uncool by all of us Babywearing mamas!

The hoodie comes in two colors- black and grey and can be found here for $19.99. Open Back Leisure Top. It is also available in plus sizes!

The opening in the back is perfect for back carries! How cute do our BWI Volunteers look?!

Another bonus: The hoodie pockets swing front and back so they are functional in a front carry! You can put the hood between you and baby, like a cowl neck for front carries.

This little man approves!

The back opening is large enough for both mama and baby to pop through for a front carry, like educator Wendy did with her teeny baby Ada. This way there is no fabric obstructing her newborns face. The same back opening is the perfect size to accommodate a toddler.

The hood can also be used as a nursing cover. Stay warm while feeding your littles!

This $20 hoodie is a great bargain to help make winter wearing comfortable AND affordable!

Have you snagged up a Target "Babywearing Hoodie"? If so please share them with us on Facebook and by tagging @bwiofcleveland in Instagram to be featured on our account! #bwicleveland

Written by Michelle Lynn. 
Michelle is our Social Media Volunteer, both in helping to build our Pinterest Account and lending her voice as a blogger. Michelle has a daughter and twin identical boys. Babywearing is a necessity in her home!