Friday, October 7, 2016

Thank you Tula Baby Carriers!!

Babywearing International of Cleveland is overwhelmed with the generosity that Tula Baby Carriers has shown to us this week!  And what perfect timing being that it is International Babywearing Week! To include all of our members in the excitement Erin Fabian, our President, recorded a Facebook Live of the BIG Unboxing and boy was it FUN! We wanted to share it here as well for all of you that may not be in Facebook or if you just wish to watch it over and over again (because seriously how adorable is Erin's daughter Alisz?) and see the awesomeness to your hearts content.

You saw that right, Tula donated to us EIGHT carriers- 4 baby sized, 3 toddler sized, and one ring sling plus FOUR infant inserts!  Now each one of our Lending Libraries will have a Tula in each size and an insert (which is a hot commodity)!

These six carriers will be making it into our Lending Libraries :

Baby Size
 From left to right: Bliss, Montana Sunset and Betty

From left to right: Trendsetter, Shenandoah, and Trillion 

In celebration of International Babywearing Week, Babywearing International of Cleveland is excited to offer a Tula Coast Seafarer Soft Structured Carrier (Standard Size) and a Petit Love Fraise Wrap Conversion Ring Sling (size L/XL) for raffle. Funds from this raffle will go towards the purchase of new carriers for current and future lending libraries!

From left to right: Coast Seafarer Soft Structured Carrier, Petite Love Fraise Ring Sling

Each raffle ticket you purchase will get you one entry into our drawing for a Tula Coast Seafarer Soft Structured Carrier or a Petite Love Fraise Wrap Conversion Ring Sling. Tickets cost $10 each (winner will be responsible to arrange for pick-up at a BWI of CLE meeting, or pay for shipping).

To enter the giveaway for Coast Seafarer Soft Structured Carrier please click HERE.

To enter the giveaway for Petite Love Fraise Wrap Conversion Ring Sling please click HERE.

Thank you Tula Baby Carriers from the bottom of our heart, our members are going to fill these carrier with so much love #IBWwithTula. Happy International Babywearing Week!

Introducing our new Partners, Baby Boot Camp of Cleveland!

I am excited to announce BWI of Cleveland's very first Partnership! We have teamed up with the local organization Baby Boot Camp Cleveland! Baby Boot Camp is an innovative stroller and babywearing fitness program that helps moms regain or enhance pre-pregnancy fitness levels and meet the physical challenges of parenting by emphasizing strength training in a supportive environment.

Through this Partnership we have so many fantastic opportunities opening up to all of you! BBC is offering a 10% discount to ALL BWI of Cleveland Sustaining Members for her classes! We will also be holding regular joint classes for both BWI of Cleveland and Baby Boot Camp!

Instructors, Suzanne Caraballo and Connie Kowal, have created a unique program that is much more then just exercise. With regular playdates, a supportive online community, cooking demonstrations and recipe swapping she has fostered a beautifully strong support system to women in our community. We are proud to be working alongside you!

So stay tuned for lots of FUN ahead!

Did you get to check out our Babywearing Bachata class yesterday in celebration of International Babywearing Week with Baby Boot Camp?  Don't fret if you missed out on the fun because Monday evening you and your littles can join us for Babywearing Yoga in the park!  See you there!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Thank you West of the Fourth Weaving

We would like to offer a heartfelt Thank You to West4thWraps for this stunning woven wrap they have graciously donated to our Chapter! "Tribute" made her debut partying at a Mardi Gras Shindig and will making its way to one of our Lending Libraries soon! Be sure to come to our Potluck Picnic on October 8th for IBW to play with her and give her a whirl!

#bwicleveland #wovenwrap #bwiofclelendinglibrary

Sunday, October 2, 2016

International Babywearing Week Events

This is only a TASTE of the Events that we have planned for #bestseatIBW2016 Please visit our Events Tab and our Facebook Page and Group for all the exciting Events we have planed for you during International Babywearing Week!  See you there!

Saturday, October 1, 2016

#bestseatIBW2016 Come Join in the Fun!

International Babywearing week is quickly approaching! #BestseatIBW2016 Do you know why we celebrate? Babywearing International at large says: It is a week-long opportunity to celebrate, promote, advocate for, and focus media attention on the many benefits of babywearing. All true. Even more so why do we celebrate locally? We Celebrate International Babywearing Week because it furthers our mission! BWI-Cleveland’s mission is thus: "The vision of Babywearing International of Cleveland, Inc. is to create a community of caregivers with a shared interest in babywearing, through educational meetings, outreach events, community engagement activities, social media, and partnerships with other community organizations. Our strength is our people, including volunteers, members, and attendees; therefore, we will strive to nurture these relationships as a means to spread the knowledge of safe babywearing to all caregivers in our area. In addition, we will work to grow leaders within our organization to ensure the sustainability of our organization. Our success will be measured by our reach into the various neighborhoods, suburbs, and diverse populations of the greater Cleveland area as evidenced by the prevalence of safe babywearing in our community."

If you’ve never attended one of our 7 regularly scheduled Monthly Instructional Meetings but you want to have fun while wearing your baby maybe an IBW event is more your speed? This year we are especially passionate about raising funds to support an 8th meeting with a full lending library so that we can serve actual CLEVELAND with a downtown or as close by as possible regular instructional meeting. We have to give a special shout out to TulaBabyCarriers! Tula is helping us make our dream of having an additional lending library downtown a reality! Stay tuned for more news about this exciting and incredibly generous donation!

We also want to formally thank Baby Bjorn for their incredible donations to our Lending Libraries (7 brand new carriers will be added to our libraries!!) and also for joining us for an In-Person collaborative adventure with Hike it Baby Cleveland! Baby Bjorn will be attending our hike and demonstrating each of their carriers along with holding a giveaway for two of their carriers- the Baby Carrier One and their brand new Baby Carrier One Outdoors!

We want you to be a part of our community of caregivers! So come apple picking with us here and here, or sign up to attend a babywearing workshop, or make memories and participate in our photo shoot fundraisers! Please visit our Facebook Page for full details of our many Events! Or you can follow along in the fun virtually by joining our facebook group, following our public page, and hashtaging your babywearing selfies on Instagram  #bwicleveland #bestseatIBW2016 you can also tag us @bwiofcleveland for a regram throughout the week!

However you decide to participate please tell your own friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers about how babywearing has benefited your family. Don’t let International Babywearing Week pass you by without reminding fellow parents that they have access to this great parenting tool in their toolbox!

International Babywearing Week 2016
October 5- IBW2016 Eastside Apple Picking
October 5- IBW2016 Let's Take a Hike with Baby Bjorn and Hit it Baby!

October 6- IBW2016 Bachata Babywearing with Baby Boot Camp
October 6- IBW2016 Adult Bingo Night 

October 7- IBW2016 Westside Mini Babywearing Photo Shoot
October 7- IBW2016 Eastside Mini Babywearing Photo Shoot

October 8- IBW2016 Potluck Picnic
October 8- IBW2016 Mommy and Me Dance Class with Carrying w/ Karyn

October 9- IBW2016 Westside Apple Picking
October 9- IBW2016 Trick-or-Treat Trail at Goblins in the Garden
October 9- IBW2016 Intermediate/Advanced Back Wrapping Workshop

October 10- IBW2016 A Day at the Zoo
October 10- IBW2016 Introduction to Back Wrapping Workshop
October 10- IBW2016 Babywearing Yoga with Baby Boot Camp

October 11- IBW2016 Raspberry Picking

Written by Karyn Tankersley, our very own Advanced Babywearing Educator and VP of Meetings. You can also see her reaching our babywearing community through her business, Carrying with Karyn, as an Independant Babywearing Consultant.  She resides in Lake County with her devoted husband and 5 beautiful children.